Use this text to share information about your product or shipping policies.

Do you ship overseas?

Currently we ship only in Egypt, But soon we will ship worldwide.

How long will it take to get my orders?

All orders usually delivers within 2-7 business days.

Do you have a physical store ?

Not yet, We are still operating just online, but we will soon have physical locations.

Our customer support is available Everday From 10AM to 8PM

Average answer time: 20 Minutes

About Esera

Esera is a clothing line with the aim ofenhancing women's fashion. The brandis suitable for all customers who love fashion because it comes with exclusivedesigns,comfortable fabric, and impeccable quality at an affordable price.
Esera promises to provide exquisitely fashionable garments in a very pocket-friendly price range that are different, beautiful and comfortable to make the wearer feel good about themselves.